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MetaMask wallet suddenly completely empty

Etherum Reddit

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So I've been slowly DCA'ing the past couple of years and to my surprise I see a lovely transaction to another unknown wallet that completely drained my balance of ETH. While it isn't much I stacked up so far, I'm more curious on how this could've happened. I have a background in IT so I've been careful with my data, I've never shared the seed or the private key. I haven't even used the private key afaik which makes it even a bigger mystery to me on how it could've happened.

I've seen a similar post that had some proper comments of malicious contracts that have been signed and although I can't remember if I ever signed something I shouldn't have, I might miss something completely. And since I lost most of it already, what's the harm in asking some folks that possibly know more about this than I do?

Looking forward to your insights. Cheers!

Link to the address here:


Thanks to most of you that took the time to analyze the address and help me pinpoint where it went wrong and most of all where it didn't went wrong. There hasn't been EverNote or LastPass usage. It was the official MetaMask plugin on the Brave browser and I have a keen eye for shady links.

However... At the very start where I started playing around with crypto and MetaMask, I wasn't very careful and I posted my seed on Signal on a 'note to self'. Dumb as a box of rocks, I know and given my background I should've known better.

submitted by /u/henkdebatser2
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