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Our Chance for a High Impact Hit at Politics at the U.S. Federal Level

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Quite often you will hear a regulator such as the SEC or a ranking politician talk of making a high impact example of someone or some company. They think that if they can make a harsh example of someone through some kind of pressure (e.g., harassments by subpoena, compliance litigation, criminal charges, etc.), that the rest of "their ilk" will fall into line. Like the romans who would nail a few bodies to some crosses at the entrance of the city as a warning to the rest that they better toe the line.

Well, now is our chance to make an example of a federal politician. Namely, California congressman Brad Sherman for the United State house of representatives is up for re-election. The primary election is happening right now. His primary opponent, Aarika Rhodes is making broad headway against him as I write this. Her funding is increasing, her operations on the ground are swelling, and she has a real chance to unseat Mr. Sherman in the primary. Ms. Rhodes is an elementary school science teacher and has much sympathy for the crypto movement, and isn't afraid to voice her support. Now is OUR chance to make an example to the political establishment. If we can rally around Ms. Rhodes with financial support and otherwise, we have a real chance of unseating Mr. Sherman, and demonstrating to the world of politics that it is time to respect this movement rather than disparage it.

Here is a recent bankless episode that includes an interview with Ms. Rhodes.

Here is a link to make a donation to her campaign. She accepts USD, BTC, and BCH. Doesn't accept ETH yet, but that may just be an oversight, as she is still coming up to speed on the broader aspects of crypto and Web 3.

You can make a difference. We can make a difference. Especially if we work collectively on good causes such as these.

submitted by /u/Always_Question
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