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Private Key not recognized by Electrum

Bitcoin Stack Exchange

Bitcoin News / Bitcoin Stack Exchange 193 Views

I'm in a bit of a pickle :-).

I recently discovered I still have a few dollars worth of BTC, which I bought in 2017. I transferred the BTC from Coinbase to my Electrum Wallet (a client, which I no longer use). First things first, I no longer have the word seed, nor the back-up of the wallet (I know...), but I do still have the private key to the public address I've sent the BTC. Now, the thing is: I think this is an HD-wallet, and I think the private key I managed to find is one of the child keys, as opposed to the master key. The private key starts with L, the address with 3.

Now, I've tried to sweep or recover my BTC in a variety of ways, none of them seem to work:

  • Import private keys --> Electrum crashes
  • creating a new wallet, aborting as soon as I have my new seed and change the keystore type (to BIP32), derivatino path (m/49'/0'/0') and script type (to p2wpkh-p2sh) --> unable to sweep private keys (see 3 and 4)
  • sweeping private keys with prepend 'p2wpkh-p2sh:' --> Sweep-button disabled
  • sweeping private keys without prepend --> Error: 'Exception('unexpected txin_type to sweep: p2sh')' What I am able to do is to create an read-only wallet with my address and view my balance (which is still there, fortunately).

I really don't know what else to do, so if there's anyone out there who is willing and able to help out, I'd truly appreciate it. Thanks!

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