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Problem with DOT deposit into account


Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance 211 Views

So let me explain what's happening here.

I'm changing Exchange App for my Cryptos. Everything went smoothly until I made a big mistake!

Instead of writing 1.104 DOT in Withdraw form, I wrote 1.014 and send it to my newly Binance Account.

The DOTs were taking so long to arrive that I went to check the transaction, which was set to Success.

After a few hours trying to figure out why they hadn't arrived, there was light and I realized that I had sent a value below the minimum required by Binance (1.1 DOT).

Big mistake! I opened a Deposit Recovery Application and was rejected with the information "We are unable to assist further.

I tried to talk to the assistant via chat, I told him to withdraw the fee and deposit the difference and he told me exactly the same thing, that it was impossible to review the money due to the value being below the minimum.

I no longer know what to say (if there is anything to be done).

Does anyone who has gone through the same have any ideas? Of course, there won't be many in the same situation, but even so, any help is welcome.

submitted by /u/Carlosmff
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