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Prove me wrong: We are being ripped off by corrupt CEXs and ETFs

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It seems like every time we start to moon, the chart goes green up 2-10 percent and then, BOOM, drops like a stone.

Look at the chart and the pattern is obvious.

Pump and dump, the same old routine. But this pump and dump may be even more sinister, because of these blackboxs clinging to the crypto ecosystem like giant parasites, sucking the juice out into the hands of the greatest mafia on earth: the fiat banking system. I'm talking about CEXs and ETFs. These keep internal private records of all their trades, so there is no transparency to verify the authenticity of their trade feeds which determine the price of coins X, Y and Z. This allows them to simulate sales that aren't even happening, so for them it's a win win, making huge fiat profits on fake coin trades, whilst keeping the coin too.

Of course, you have to keep the game going. After the dump, you let Joe Average 'buy the dip' until you get to an attractive number and you do it again: dump time! So this is absolute theft. Anyone who understands what inflation really is, knows that these fiat bankers ain't your friend, and never were.

Could this be why they went after Binance? Any CEX with integrity is a problem and they needed the big ones under their control. Kudos to fair CEXs and ETFs, I'm sure they're out there, not all of them are corrupt. In fact, these are the only ones keeping the price up, but they can't ignore this pump and dump scam and are forced to follow the momentum it causes.

Prove me wrong.

submitted by /u/NambaCatz
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