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Remember to report the fake crypto Ads/ scams on social networks that inadvertently damage its reputation.

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by COINS NEWS 50 Views

Social media companies are clearly not being held to proper account. There should be no excuse for not pre-screening adverts they then host and publish on their servers, before taking payment for them. They are the one profiteering as these ads inadvertently end up damaging the reputation of open source software projects such as Bitcoin and Ethereum. Mention Bitcoin today to someone today and more often than not you'll be told that's a scam or that it's scamming someone, because of these Ads. Something needs to change here.

That said although I see them almost every day, I've realised I'm guilty of just clicking away and not reporting them. Cynics may suggest that's probably still futile but suppose when little action is being taken against the social networks it's the least we can do. If everyone was regularly doing it I'd suppose at least then we'd know if the report function was being taken seriously.or not.

submitted by /u/jam-hay
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