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Storing physical mnemonic seed phrase without hardware or software

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by COINS NEWS 45 Views

I have been pondering on how to physically store a seed without relying on:

  1. Multisigs
  2. Wallet software (passwords work but relies on hardware)
  3. Hardware (can fail)
  4. Fragmenting phrases in multiple locations

The purpose is to create a cipher that isn't too complex to remember in decades from now, but simple enough to be able to break within your head or with paper if you know the cipher you created yourself.

This will be crackable by brute force, but the purpose here is ease of mind of having a seed phrase physically. If stolen, the user likely won't have a clue what it is and less than 0000025% of the worlds population can hack and 99.7% of the worlds population are not programmers.

There are two versions:

  1. Simple "shifting" cipher that outputs a "mnemonic seed phrase-like" list
  2. A similar to the previous but includes randomized Uppercase letters and numbers for spaces. Essentially, creating a hash-like output

This isn't a simple Caesar cipher and relies on the positions of both the password and the seed phrases letters in each index and calculates the delta between them and equates the output letter using that data. and also shifts in both directions.

Here's the code:

Do not input your actual seed phrase into this, this is a public website for online python code to share.

Anyways, what changes would you like to see from this?

This is a simple start to this and I only spent about one hour doing this as a start to something more innovative

submitted by /u/advias
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