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Superintelligence Alliance. Anything behind it? Or just a cash grab?

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by COINS NEWS 22 Views

Afternoon all!

I am asking a genuine question and it's not trolling but what does everyone think about the recent merge of SingularityNet / Fetch / Ocean Protocol?

My personal viewpoint is that none of the projects really did anything and just used "AI" as tool to market as all three projects have been around for since 2017 / 2018 and I've never seen a single product from them.

Ocean Protocol has changed what it is numerous times since it's inception back in 2017. It was originally about data and monatizing data for users / privacy without AI. That seems to have shifted.

SingularityNet from what I can see just uses itself as a launch pad to spin off more projects that again do very little and a cash grab. The biggest news I can see from that project was moving to Cardano, but outside of that I see nothing. I see these as the biggest offenders simply because they just bleed their community every few months to invest.

Fetch i don't know much about but i'm willing to guess it's a similar story. No product and using AI for marketing.

I see this merge as a way for them to reinvent hype and possibly cover up the fact they haven't really done much for seven years. On top of that, If you combine the market caps of all of them you get a rather high ranking token which seems to also be another reason (They are now in the top 30).

I'm curious to hear your view points and open to changing my mind but I just don't see what any of the projects have done and can claim to be leading AI. ChatGPT has pushed out more things in 6 months than any of these companies have in six years.

submitted by /u/0xJonnyDee
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