News about Alts

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Don't ditch your alts if they haven't pumped yet

I think it's easier said than done, but if you're holding an alts that has been moving sideways for awhile and you start to see other alts pump, that is the worst possible time to jump ship and try to catch the ride up. Coins will pump at dif...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

Shill me alts

Shill me your most promising alts. I’m going to buy a small amount of every alt commented and hold until January and see how it goes. submitted by /u/Ok-Illustrator38 [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Why alts don’t move: Understanding Altcoin season

Many people here ask why alts stopped moving when BTC started it‘s run back to the ATH, I really hope no one panic sells and you are all aware of fomo. Same could be observed when the DOGE craze happened. That‘s why I want to explain a basic concept...