News about Bitcoin

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 years ago

People often say Bitcoin has no intrinsic value. I think the value of Bitcoin is in its utility. Then people say there is no utility in Bitcoin. Can you guys tell me if my assumptions/perspectives below is correct?

1) it is the first digital limited divisible asset in human history. The significance of this cannot be overstated. 2) Bitcoin makes it so much easier for me to transfer funds across the planet so fast and so cheap that the balls of banksters are tr...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

It is estimated that 4 million Bitcoins have been lost

What would you do if you had a stash of Bitcoins that you could not access because you have lost the keys, damaged your hardware or sent it to a so-called burn address? Well, guess what? An estimated 4 million Bitcoins have been lost forever. The num...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 years ago

Living in El Salvador for Bitcoin Libertarians

Hello everyone. I've been in bitcoin since 2013 and I'm accumulating all the time. I am a libertarian. I am raised in the works of Mises, Rothbard, and other members of the Austrian School of Economics. My question is as follows. Does it mak...