News about Bitcoin

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 5 months ago

Capturing true value in Bitcoin

Recently, I had the realization that any form of value you create consists of immediate and long-term effects. Consider this scenario: you spend 100 hours developing a consumer product from scratch and receive $5,000 for your efforts as compensation....

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 5 months ago

who is the smartest person AGAINST bitcoin?

I've read the whitepaper, watched countless videos, and have come to the conclusion that bitcoin is something special. But more importantly, it seems people who are much smarter than me believe in bitcoin. It seems that those against bitcoin are...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 5 months ago

Phenomenal Video by Swan Bitcoin

I watched this last night. It really does a great job at explaining just how special Bitcoin is. I know it's 38 minutes. It's worth every second. Enjoy. submitted by /u/PheelGoodInc [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 5 months ago

16 Upcoming Bitcoin Events To Mark On Your Calendar

Bitcoin events are a great way to meet the broader community and learn more about the cryptocurrency. Here is a list of 15 bitcoin events this year, as well as a list of bitcoin events that will likely recur in early 2025 that are worth marking your...