News about Coin

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 years ago

Does Bitcoin Core leave traces when you use it?

If I sync a node and then open a wallet.dat in there using Linux (PureOS) will it leave any logs or anything proving that I opened a wallet.dat? Is there a way to use Bitcoin Core leaving no traces of your wallet.dat? submitted by /u/cr...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 years ago

Bitcoin is an asset

Bitcoin is an asset and not a currency and should be used as such. Why would you spend something that is limited and that cannot be further produced? Borrow against your Bitcoin in 2025 when it has appreciated at the market cap is 2-3 trillion and th...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 years ago

The Bitcoin Rich will buy out almost every major company & politician against Bitcoin & force them to integrate Bitcoin, just as the last internet rich people bought out & forced most every smart phone, computer, & website to integrate Facebook & Google i

The big realization with Bitcoin is that it is where most of the concentration of money has gone in the last 12 years, and it is only continuing to flow into it at larger and larger scales, making the richest class of people in the world who are all...