News about Contracts

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Smart contracts are so underrated

Eth has so much fucking potential, if you believe in Bitcoin and crypto currencies and you are a long term hodler till mass adoption you should at least have one eth (or whatever your budget is of course). Bear with me and imagine for a second, if we...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Want to Pursue a Career in Crypto? Here is a Megalist of Free High Level Courses From the Best Institutions in the World - on Blockchain, Economics, Statistics, Smart Contracts, Analytics, and much more. (Most Provide Credentials Upon Completion)

They say the best investment you can make is in yourself! I'm currently in college, had no idea what I wanted to do with my life for the longest time and was really depressed. About a year ago I got into crypto and found a new passion. Just last...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Tldr: What REALLY are Smart Contracts?

I think this post, while well-intentioned, massively undersells what smart contracts are. Smart contracts aren't just a fancy feature. Smart contracts are the completion of the Bitcoin idea. Without smart contracts, Bitcoin is incomplete, because...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Tldr: What are smart Contracts?

I feel like a lot of people know a lot of the fundamentals of Blockchain and Bitcoin technology, and even more so of practical use of Ethereum, Matic, stellar, etc. But they don't know the basics of smart Contracts! So here! Smart Contracts make...