News about Crypto

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Lightbulb jokes for the top cryptocurrencies

How many Bitcoin maximalists does it take to change a lightbulb? ​ Ten - one to change the lightbulb and nine to whine about how much better the original was. ​ ​ How many ETH investors does it take to change a lightbulb? ​...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

Selling Crypto

Sorry if someone has already made a post, but if I buy, let's say, bitcoin and I want to sell it what's the best way to do so? Is swapping it into a stable coin and then selling that the best method? Are there any fees? I want to understand t...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Buying Crypto vs. Paying Down Credit Card Debt

A friend just talked to me about using his credit cards to BTFD. And he already had credit card debt before this. For god's sake people, don't rack up credit card debt to accumulate crypto. The rate on a lot of those cards is over 20% per yea...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

CryptoCurrency Official Discord

Join us here: Welcome for beginners Market Outlook Trading Analysis NFT Projects Crypto Discussion Trading View Pro Tools Fundamentals Analysis Patterns & Bots Learn about Mining & Setups Ra...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Crypto is the best addiction

I’m 20 and I have the type of personality to be addicted to things from cigarettes , booze , weed , even at one point to Mdma . But now every paycheck I receive I sacrifice those substance to the beauty of cryptos and to spending some weekends learni...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

(M20) I have bought my first car through crypto.

I made this post a few weeks ago. I am 20 years old. Not from a rich family, I go to a community college. Last year in September, I bought my first crypto. I bought btc at $10k. I only bought $100 worth of it which was worth $300 in January 2021. Aft...