News about Cz

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Open letter to Binance's CEO, CZ

I'm positive you realised that what you did within the last days is flawed. I need to consider that your intentions have been totally different from falsely accusing the competition with a purpose to achieve advantage, or probably to purchase up...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Can we trust CZ

After every little thing occurred over past 6 months with luna, celsius, ftx ..and so on I'm simply questioning can we trust Binance? If not what about other exchanges? Is there any trade we will belief? Ik not your keys not your cash, and that i...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

This entire situation makes me terrified of binance/CZ

Unless you were returning some video tapes yesterday, the hot topic has been the acquisition of FTX by Binance after CZ started a bank run with just a tweet or two. I’m alright with having insolvency exposed and having SBF who was trying to buy regul...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

CZ ftx

لقن CZ درسا ل سام بانكمان المدلل مفاده أن اعتناق الفكر اللامركزي والتملق في نفس الوقت للجهات المركزية وتسريب البيانات والوشاية المالية ...لا يجتمعان . في نفس الوقت تم اكتشاف أن أصول صندوق ألاميدا الإستثماري لم تكن في الواقع سوى رموز إف تي إكس نفسها ....