News about Dao

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

The current state of DAOs

DAO’s have a very large problem that needs worked out quickly. Most DAOs are not “Autonomous” by nature, rather they rely on multisigs to execute governance decisions. Making them neither decentralized nor autonomous. What is a DAO? A DAO is a Decent...

More / Etherum Reddit - 9 months ago

Ethereum DAO communities

I am interested in learning more about DAOs and engaging in DAO communities before choosing one to join. I am already in r/DAO and a few other DAO groups here but they are dead. I joined Yape DeFi DAO but it died and I'm active in the Q Blockchai...

More / Etherum Reddit - 9 months ago

ENS DAO Analysis

I'm excited to share that we've just published an in-depth analysis on the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) over on our Substack! The piece explores various elements of the ENS ecosystem - from the surge in ENS NFT minting to the dynamics of...