News about Deflationary

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Eth has been deflationary for over 2 days now!!

This feels like a big deal to me, but nobodys talking about it. there hasn't been a sustained period of deflation of more than a few hours since the merge, but it's been like this for two days now. Source: Maybe it's...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

About An Deflationary Ethereum

TLDR: Ethereum needs to burn more ETH than it issues to remain deflationary and if ETH goes up 10x in ETH-to-USD value... then the consumers of the blockspace would have to pay 10x more in USD terms for Ethereum to remain deflationary. ​ Defla...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Ethereum Deflationary or Inflationary

I made some research about the inflation rate of Ethereum, but different rates have always been quoted. As far as I understand it, there is a basic 4% inflation rate, which is reduced by how much of the transaction costs are burned. There is also occ...