News about Ethereum

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Wallet ledger for ethereum from Amazon.

Hi all, I have some ethereum on Coinbase. It’s not much but I’m committing to buying a small amount each week for the next year or so. As such, I want to buy a wallet ledger. I don’t know at all what I’m doing at all so I’m hoping you guys can give s...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Bitcoin has already working side chains. Rootstock (RSK), for example, allows you to simulate the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM), on top of Bitcoin's security and decentralization strengths. This is crazy! Layer 2 is here!

Long-term extremely bullish factor IMO. --Edit Info and Links: Rootstock website. Smart contracts glued on top of Bitcoin. Uses a 1:1-pegged Token (rBTC) to pay for "gas" and can run Ethereum contracts. DeFi on Bitcoin using Rootstock, exc...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

On Ethereum and Flippenings

hi everyone - i wrote a post about ethereum and its potential to disrupt the tradfi ecosystem. check it out and lmk if you have any thoughts! submitted by /u/jackybeeblebro...