News about Hacked

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Grim Finance was hacked. $25,000,000+ stolen so far.

Statement from Grim Finance, from Twitter. Hello Grim Community, It is with heavy hearts that we inform you that our platform was exploited today by an external attacker roughly 6 hours ago. The attackers address has been identified with over 30 mil...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Most of the "I got hacked" posts are bullshit

Most, if not all of those posts are just idiots who either clicked on suspicious links or had a stupid fuck-up they either don't want to admit to or are oblivious about. It is difficult to have your system compromised or to "hack" your...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 years ago

coinmarketcap hacked

save you guys the headache- maybe if they lowered the figures it would have been more believable: submitted by /u/mad_yahoodi [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Got hacked for about $175k - is there any recourse?

My wallet has been hacked- it's adding up to about a $175k loss (not including appreciation later)... trying to figure out how they got access, but is there anyway to track this person down?

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

Igot hacked

Someone stole my binance account and i can't verify my identity I know the email and the password, but the mails aren't sent to me and my google authenitcator isn't working is there anything i can do? submitted by /u/KronixG...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

So. I got hacked today.

EDIT: I was scammed, not hacked, as someone has pointed out. I got hacked scammed today. It fucking sucks. Here's what happened - hopefully others will learn from my dumb ass mistakes. A week ago I moved some money into a defi protocol. Wonderlan...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

Binance account hacked through API

A few weeks ago my Binance account was hacked through an API I set up with Koinly about a year ago. When I created the API trade access was ticked by default so I never noticed Koinly had trade and read access. Someone stole my API key and secret the...

More / Etherum Reddit - 2 years ago

Paper Wallet Hacked?

So today I’d my nephews baptism and I wanted to come up with a way to gift him ethereum for when he gets older. I created a paper wallet on and sent 0.1 eth to the public address (0xcA9A475de7129cF093d27a82E60f9C73c15BfF1A). I d...