News about Hacked

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

I got hacked and hackers send me funds back ❤️

A few days ago I posted here that my TrustWallet got hacked. Maybe some of you have seen that. Deleted the post by now due to privacy reasons but they stole like 10k$ in ETH, ERC20 and ETH L2s. The reason for the hack was most likely the flawed TustW...

More / Etherum Reddit - 1 year ago

Sorry abotu that. (was Hacked)

My account posted onm this subreddit with a scam link. I didnt do it. I deleted the post and reset my password and Enabled 2 step Auth, which I thought I already did. submitted by /u/Pine_Wood_Leaf [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

I got Hacked and lost over 300K Today

This is my first post and my most sad one to date. There of my wallets got hacked totaling over 300k. I'm a complete moron for storing passwords and seed phrases for these accounts in Evernote here. Metamask - 0x023D8a816A8b6394f3144fD74aA3...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

My Wallet Has Been Hacked For 270,000 USD - Please Help

I just checked my wallet after not using it for months because of the depeg and have seen my entire wallet of 270,000 USD is gone, transferred 17 days ago. It's all on my ledger which no one can possibly access, I have never typed my words in any...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

The "my wallet was hacked" is utter nonsense !

I just saw a post asking If the wallet could be compromised if someone knew the seed phrase but not the order of the words, and it made me think about all those "i clicked on the link showing MILFs in my area and lost all my money", "t...