News about Hardware Wallet

by COINS NEWS - 11 months ago

The Birth Of The Hardware Wallet Wars?

Ledger, a prominent player in the hardware wallet space, has recently been embroiled in controversy following the announcement of their Recovery feature. A point of contention for many in the crypto community, the feature has stirred a fresh wave of...

by COINS NEWS - 11 months ago

What does your ideal hardware wallet look like?

In light of all the recent events with hardware wallets and potential suspectibility to firmware/software updates and their possible issues, what are your must haves in the next generation of hardware wallets? No doubt companies are brainstorming and...

by COINS NEWS - 11 months ago

Don't order any hardware wallets. At least for now.

I see comments saying "bye ledger, ordered myself a new hw". Don't you get it? These hardware wallets are not what we thought they were. It has nothing to do with their new feature. By announcing that they can offer a service to recove...

by COINS NEWS - 11 months ago

Are governments trying to crack into Hardware wallets?

I just find it very suspicious that with the new cryptocurrency laws that the European Union passed the other day, all of a sudden we're hearing about this new firmware update for Ledger. I wonder if other companies are starting to come out with...

by COINS NEWS - 11 months ago

Is any hardware wallet truly trustless?

I listened to the recent Bankless podcast where the CSO talked about the recent Ledger updates. Essentially the argument is that any hardware wallet you must make concessions to and likely can access your private key in some way. To have it any othe...

by COINS NEWS - 11 months ago

hardware wallets - here are the facts

First some basics: Secure Element: The secure element is not an unbreachable storage chip, it is in fact a little computer. This computer is secured in a way that it enabled confidential computing. This means that no physical outside attack can read...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 11 months ago

Ledger and hardware wallets - here are the facts

First some basics for Ledger: Secure Element: The secure element is not an unbreachable storage chip, it is in fact a little computer. This computer is secured in a way that it enabled confidential computing. This means that no physical outside attac...

by COINS NEWS - 11 months ago

What are the best hardware wallets in your opinion?

Been thinking of purchasing a Ledger hardware wallet but I've read reviews were customers said it was frustrating and not user friendly and even watching videos it was hard to figure out. Any personal experience and or recommendations ? I was goi...