News about Hardware

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Friendly Reminder: Get a Hardware Wallet

At no effort at all you can get a $60 hardware wallet (Nano S) and make sure that at least your Bitcoin and Ethereum are safely placed outside CEX territory. I mean, seriously... if after today you still aren't looking at ways to secure your cryp...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

Which Hardware Wallet to choose?

Hi guys, After seeing so many times the « not your keys, not your crypto » caption. After seeing more and more hacks everyday. After seeing exchanges fall (Celsius) or ban some users for no reason. And after having made a little profit selling Bitcon...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 year ago

Passing on Hardware Device to Kids

For those with a hardware wallet....what is the best way you are preparing for in case of your sudden demise or you are incapacitated from an accident? Like for instance leaving your seed phrase some where with the directions on how to access a devic...