Cryptocoins News / NewsBTC - 3 years ago
As you might have read in our latest article, we’re fierce on safety. As blockchain’s first OS, we need to constantly prioritize the security of our code. That’s why we teamed up with Immunefi, DeFi’s leading bug bounty platfo...
Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago
Immunefi, the leading bug bounty platform for crypto with the world’s largest bug bounties, has recently onboarded numerous BSC projects onto its platform and has so far facilitated responsible disclosure to avert a minimum of $67 million in hack dam...
Cryptocoins News / The Cointelegraph - 3 years ago
Binance Smart chain and Immunefi are partnering to reward white hat hackers who discover vulnerabilities in BSC projects. Immunefi, a security service outfit that spec...