News about It

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago

Doubt about liquidity pool

Hi community, Im having some trouble understanding how APY is calculated on liquidity pool in binance. Im seeing DUSK/USDT pair it says it haves 70% APY , but then on info it says you win 70% of dusk. So then if i put 100 DUSK i have to put 10USTD (a...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

I‘m not leaving. Just tell me you‘re still here with me

I‘m new here and don’t know too much about the inner works of most of the coins and projects, that’s why I joined this sub first and foremost: to learn more about why to jump on board and in which projects to invest in. I bought my first crypto in Ja...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago

If my token lost or can I get it back?

I transfered uniswap token from binance to coinbase. However, in the withdrawal section I didnt pay attention and sent using binance network. Later, I realised coinbase doesn't support binance network. Can someone help me get the token back? Is t...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

.bitcoin extension

So I think that as the world begins to use crypto more and more that domain names that can be used to link your crypto wallets will grow in popularity the same way IG/twiter names are. So instead of sending someone a really long random address I can...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

'Nobody uses bitcoin'

2011 - No one uses bitcoin. 2012 - Only computer nerds use bitcoin. 2013 - Only drug dealers use bitcoin. 2014 - Only money launderers use bitcoin. 2017 - Only gamblers use bitcoin. 2019 - Only a fraction of the population uses bitcoin. 2020 -...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Take your Bitcoin off the exchanges

This is very important. There are hundreds of million of people who own Bitcoin, but there are only 53 million wallets. Link to site showing number of wallets: Given that exchanges an...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

The US should print money and buy 2-3 million Bitcoin over the counter to stabilize the worlds reserve currency-then, it should disclose the investment, which would make the investment 10-50x and the US would have the strongest currency and treasury of al

At that point, the US dollar would be backed by the only asset to appreciate 100% every year for 12 years, and the asset would be completely derisked because of US adoption. The US then becomes the richest country in human history with the most stabl...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

The US should print money and buy 2-3 million Bitcoin over the counter to stabilize the worlds reserve currency-then, it should disclose the investment, which would make the investment 10-50x and the US would have the strongest currency and treasury of al

At that point, the US dollar would be backed by the only asset to appreciate 100% every year for 12 years, and the asset would be completely derisked because of US adoption. The US then becomes the richest country in human history with the most stabl...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

The US should print money and buy 2-3 million Bitcoin over the counter to stabilize the worlds reserve currency-then, it should disclose the investment, which would make the investment 10-50x and the US would have the strongest currency and treasury of al

At that point, the US dollar would be backed by the only asset to appreciate 100% every year for 12 years, and the asset would be completely derisked because of US adoption. The US then becomes the richest country in human history with the most stabl...