News about It

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Earning $100 in 100 days with Crypto, Day 27.

I have been a bit inactive lately, but i'm picking the challenge back up! If you have any more suggestions, i'd love to hear them! Nano: Wenano: 0.016 nano ~ $0.11 NanoRoyale: 0.01 nano ~ $0.07 PlayNano: 0.005 nano ~ $0.03 Ban's: Fauce...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Incognito wallet

Hey, i heard about the incognito wallet and think that's a really cool idea... Is it really safe? Why is it incognito? submitted by /u/IntroductionOk4947 [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Insane sentiment change in crypto subs all over Reddit

All you people are so desperate for a "reason" why you made irresponsible financial choices and now want to shift the blame on others? I get that seeing such a crash and long days of reds can be heavy on people's minds, but right now it...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Bitcoin doesn't give a f#@k

To understand how stupid the argument "government will just ban bitcoin" is, you need to consider this. Replace bitcoin with gold. If one or two governments banned gold nothing happens. If all governments banned gold simultaneously gold wo...