News about It

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago

What is wrong with XMR?

Why did you stop withdrawals in Binance and why is there no official reply to the problem? Edit: official reply... bla bla bla submitted by &...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

This dip is a shitcoin killer

Shitcoins (not naming any of them, we know what they are) have been flying the last couple of months and we've all seen it change the space, even this subreddit. I overheard people talking about Dogecoin at work, people that don't even know h...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Just hit 1 ETH

Markets are red bleeding bad, but still up since January if You look at the bigger picture. Just HODL and forget, check next year. Remind yourself why you invested in the first place. Crypto is full of potential and has no limits, don’t give up over...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Deleted apps but didn’t sell, goodbye reddit ????

I decided my obsession with tickers, graphs and daily charts is doing nothing good for me. I lost 6K in the matter of 48 hours because of the most corrupt government in the world, a narcissistic car mechanic and the fact that crypto is still in infa...