News about It

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Best sites for staking ETH?

Looks like Coinbase is offering 6% APR regardless if you have 1 ETH or have 32ETH for a validator node? Are there other sites returning higher rates? submitted by /u/everwhat1 [link] [comments]

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 3 years ago

Should I start a class action lawsuit?

I mean I know thousands of people are pissed that their money is being held not to mention we’d probably get compensated for them holding our money and taking loses during the drop I know there’s a lot of people upset about this and if we come togeth...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

We never said you’d make money with a 3 month investment.

There are so many here griping about losing money. It is absurd. You’ve been here 3 months? If you’ve been here since December you’re in the green. Hell January and most of February for most coins. I have repeatedly told people that if you wanna mak...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Staking with friends

Thanks to the dogecoin boom, I was able to buy up some ETH, but nowhere near 32 ETH. However with a few close friends, I think we can pool together 32 ETH and run our own pool. It looks like the hardware requirements for hosting my own validator are...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 years ago

Bloody Wednesday Cured my Bitcoin Short Anxiety

I posted about a week ago that I was always anxious about being short Bitcoin. When I had any disposable cash on hand, I was scared Bitcoin was just going to explode and I would miss out, and so I'd immediately fomo it in. This, obviously, led t...