News about Lgo

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

What's New With Algo: A dive into Algorand in July

Algorand is an intriguing cryptocurrency in our current market, despite constant news around the project, it is often seen as a long term hold but well worth it to have in your portfolio. Created in 2019 by computer scientist Silvio Micali, Algorand...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Why Bleumi Chose Algorand to Power Crypto Payments

Algorand is one of the fastest public blockchains capable of processing 1,000+ transactions per second (tps) with instant finality. The blockchain founded by MIT Professor Silvio Micali will also introduce a feature called block pipelining to boost t...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

ALGO at $0.69. Just bought 420.

I’ve been buying ETH and BTC at these low prices, but when I saw ALGO I couldn’t resist. Sure, I may be catching a falling knife, but how could I not. It’s a sign from the Reddit gods. I’m continuing my DCA plan, and just spent about 1/3 of my “dry...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Algorand - The Potentially Perfect Middleman

I want to open up a discussion on the pure proof of stake chain Algorand. It’s very secure and touts 46k TPS by the end of the year (We’ll believe it when we see it) with having some of the lowest gas fees in the industry and a transaction finality a...