News about Rap

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

Binance graph shows nosense

Hi! I need help.. I tryed to use 1 Day time indicator to know what happend to my specific date and trading view graph show it properly, but when try to use that in binance the graph is very different. Can you help to make the graph the same as...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

binance graph shows nonsense

Hi! I need help.. I tryed to use 1 Day time indicator to know what happend to my specific date and trading view graph show it properly, but when try to use that in binance the graph is very different. Can you help to make the graph the same as...

More / Etherum Reddit - 2 years ago

Unable to Unwrap wETH

Has anyone had this issue? I am unable to unwrap my wETH and I have tried a variety of exchanges (Uniswap, Balancer, oX, etc.). It gives me a failed transaction immediately. I have even tried uninstalling Metamask but nothing seems to work. su...