News about Reality

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 1 year ago

The reality of people

Being a Bitcoiner has shown me a lot about the people and their desire to control everything. “The Very Nature of people is something that needs to be overcome” submitted by /u/ezz8o8 [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

A reality check on Celsius

Everyone on here recently has been saying “Celsius was such a obvious scam” And “They paid really high interest rates” No, no they weren’t obvious, since everyone was doing the same thing (Gemini, etc, even coinbase tried to get into it). And they w...

by COINS NEWS - 1 year ago

CBDC software reality

There is a lot of talk about upcoming CBDC rollout in many countries, US, UK, countries in EU, obviously china etc. Basically every central bank entity is looking at CBDC as way out of their regarded monetary and fiscal policies, proverbial kicking t...