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More / Bitcoin Reddit - 2 years ago

Resources for Bitcoin on chain data analysis

I recently got interested in Bitcoin on chain analysis, And I want to make some charts and models I have the data of Bitcoin Blockchain, and I'm analysis it and cleaning it Is there any books or website that give lessons or lectures on this topic...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Most of people just say DYOR before investing but not many really tell the actual resources required for them to do DYOR . In this post I have mentioned all the resources I use when I look to invest in a coin. Hope this helps for some

Now just for beginners who doesn't know what DYOR is Do your own research , no one can know the coin which your going to invest better than you so it's always better to do that before investing. COINMARKETCAP - This is the first go to resourc...

More / Etherum Reddit - 2 years ago

Educational resources needed

I have some spare time that I would like to spend on developing educational resources for ethereum + defi (for free). I have deep knowledge in all blockchain related tech and finance, but am wondering where you think the largest gaps are at the momen...

More / Etherum Reddit - 2 years ago

Ethereum human resource development questions

I am a student at SUNY Buffalo's International Center for Studies in Creativity, currently pursuing a master's of science in creativity and change leadership. As a blockchain technology enthusiast, and as part of a course assignment, I was ho...

More / Etherum Reddit - 2 years ago

Resources for Vetting DeFi Business Ideas

I have recognized what I believe to be a unique opportunity for a startup and have drafted a whitepaper. Are there any specific threads/subs for sharing DeFi & Ethereum - based business ideas to discuss whether or not the idea is viable? As a non...