News about Safe

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Three Ways to Help Practice Safe Hot Wallet.

Everyone with a vault has a hot wallet, if they want one or not. As your vault is just a hot wallet with very limited blockchain utility and no ability to engage in defi. Although this may be a benefit to a few people strictly looking to engage...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

How safe Is your hardware wallet really?

A lot of people are already familiar with the saying ‘not your keys, not your coins’. And it’s true. While hardware wallets have gained recognition as one of the safest methods to store crypto, there are still some vulnerabilities that people should...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Is your Crypto Wallet safe?

Recently, a security firm published a report which found that only 6 out of 45 wallets analyzed had undergone penetration testing, meaning it's possible that 39 wallets are vulnerable to exploits & hacks. ​ https://preview.redd.i...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

The terror of the Safemoon Scam ecosystem

With the market starting to point towards a bull run within the next year, I thought I'd create a handy resource to point towards why the three primary projects in the Safemoon ecosystems are fraudulent. Duped maxis are waiting for market conditi...

More / Etherum Reddit - 8 months ago

Is Rabby Wallet safe to use?

I heard someone on reddit say that only some of their code is actually open source. Personally I feel like software that pretends to be open source but actually isn't, is worse than proprietary. Other than that Rabby seems like my dream wallet. I...

More / Etherum Reddit - 8 months ago

Are RPCs generally safe?

I don't care if my transaction is leaked as long as my secret phrases are safe. Is it possible to leak your SP through a RPC? For example, there are many RPCs on And they have a security score for each one. Should I be worr...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

Curve wars: how prime numbers safeguard our crypto

In my last post, I gave a non-technical introduction to elliptical curves which form the backbone of security for all the cryptocurrencies we love. This is the second post in the series which I will henceforth call ‘Cryptography for Everyone: A...

by COINS NEWS - 8 months ago

What is the absolute safest way to store you crypto?

Keeping your cryptocurrency safe is crucial, as losing it can be a devastating experience. There are many different ways of keeping it safe. From hardware wallets to paper wallets or software wallets what are in your opinion the safest ways to store...