News about Safe

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 2 years ago

What makes Foobee safe and secure

For FOOBEE, user safety is the first and foremost priority of any dating application, especially when dealing directly with e-currency. To improve user experience, Foobee uses a special feature called know your customer (KYC). In this way, Foobee min...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Safemoon finally dropped out of top 100

It has taken quite a while, but Safemoon finally dropped out of the top 100 again. Whilst some of you might disregard it, I am happy about every single shitcoin that is not taking the place of a solid project in the top100 - as it comes with a certai...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Total capitulation - Safemoon is now dead.

On one hand, I lament the obvious negative sentiment these new investors now have towards the Crypto industry. They were led down the path of hopes, ambitions and overnight riches and now they're left with millions or billions of virtually worthl...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

The cult at over at r/safemoon have been brigading any posts critical of their pyramid scheme. Not only are they muting any perma banning anybody who flags the fact the devs are dropping their bags, they are now actively brigading to hide any callouts in

In the past few weeks I've made a few posts highlighting the developing dangerous and cult like censorship and echo chamber forming over at r/safemoon. The moderators in collaboration with the devs are working to lure new investors into the pyram...

by COINS NEWS - 2 years ago

Safe Space for Crypto Confessions

This sub can be a bit of an echo chamber at times and it feels like if you venture out of the hive you will be punished via downvotes. So consider this thread to confess all your Crypto sins. This includes any shitcoins you may be holding, bad crypto...