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More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Noob question. Does ETH actually live up to the fundamental definition of a decentralized currency? I love ETH and its tech but i feel skeptical of its defi claims. I hope i can be reassured that it is but more importantly i seek the honest truth. Whats y

Been thinking a lot about the upcoming ETH burning I've heard about and EIP 1559. If there is some sort of institution or group of developers that have the ability to change or alter the ETH economy by limiting the amount of available ETH, doesn&...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Noob question. Does ETH actually live up to the fundamental definition of a decentralized currency? I love ETH and its tech but i feel skeptical of its defi claims. I hope i can be reassured that it is but more importantly i seek the honest truth. Whats y

Been thinking a lot about the upcoming ETH burning I've heard about and EIP 1559. If there is some sort of institution or group of developers that have the ability to change or alter the ETH economy by limiting the amount of available ETH, doesn&...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Noob question. Does ETH actually live up to the fundamental definition of a decentralized currency? I love ETH and its tech but i feel skeptical of its defi claims. I hope i can be reassured that it is but more importantly i seek the honest truth. Whats y

Been thinking a lot about the upcoming ETH burning I've heard about and EIP 1559. If there is some sort of institution or group of developers that have the ability to change or alter the ETH economy by limiting the amount of available ETH, doesn&...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

Please help me not get scammed

HELP NEW TO THIS So to preface I’m 17, I have been following Crypto currencies for almost 8 months now and have €7.5k that im willing to invest (I understand risks and all that) I’ve recently been drawn in buy Ethereum as currently right this minute...

More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago

stake or hodl ETH on coinbase?

I just got an email saying I am approved to stake the ETH I'm hodling on Coinbase. Benefit - I get 6%. Drawback - they control my ETH until ETH 2.0 rolls out. Is that a big drawback for a casual investor like me? Am I somehow risking all my ETH b...