News about Still

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 weeks ago

Could 4/20 BTC still happen?

Just did the math about 4.89 days until the halving. Five more days until 4/20. Did we miss it boys? Or is there a chance? submitted by /u/Gnassshhhh [link] [comments]

by COINS NEWS - 3 weeks ago

My strategy is a little like my planning for an international flight at the moment. My bag is packed, I’m thinking I can’t, don’t want to put any more into it. Yet I’ve still to pack my makeup bag and my toiletries.

I’ve been anticipating a good dip for a while, and I’ve really expected two of them, one before halving (until yesterday I thought, it’s not going to happen). Then of course, one post halving, which is a 50/50 bet as to whether it drops below pre-hal...

by COINS NEWS - 3 weeks ago

The anti-crypto sub seems to still be unable to find a kill-all argument against blockchain or decentralization, and why they think we'll never need those...after over a decade of trying. Here's their latest top upvoted "Eureka" argument against blockchai

The famous anti-crypto sub on Reddit thinks it has finally cracked the kill-all argument against blockchain and crypto in general with this little nugget: I've seen recently, some people mentioning that they agree cryptocurrencies aren't use...

More / Bitcoin Reddit - 3 weeks ago

Why so many still don't "get it"

Before Bitcoin I had little to zero knowledge of how money worked, how our debt-based monetary system was designed to steal from us and how fixing the money at the root cause can quite literally change the world by realigning incentives. I see money...