News about Vc

by COINS NEWS - 4 months ago

Regarding VCs in Sol and Eth

I see a lot of people here giving Solana flack for being a VC coin, but in the early days Ethereum also got flack for being a VC coin. Now people call Ethereum the "oil" of cryptocurrency while BTC is gold. (I think the better analogy Eth i...

by COINS NEWS - 5 months ago

I'm really done with Cardano: you can't exploit the protocols and steal people's money, they welcome the "FUD" and address it, their "influencers" actually share the knowledge with the community & don't abuse the power. It's truly the ghostchain for VCs &

Seriously, nothing to hack, that's why we call it the "ghostchain". So far 0$ has been stolen, their main DeFi protocols (LENFI, Minswap, and tons of others etc.) undergo double audits these days which is so boring. I mean why can't...