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"There is no point owning a fancy car if you don't have a garage to park it in." - Why I'm not in crypto for a Lambo.

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Like many of you, I'm here to make money - lots of it. My aspiration is to one day own my own home, and I truly believe crypto will be a huge leap forward in reaching this goal. I think that 'house money' is something I wont see until the next bull-run begins in a few years time, but I want to ensure that the steps I take today get me closer to that goal.

One thing my father said to me growing up was "There is no point owning a fancy car if you don't have a garage to park it in" and while some people are hyped about crypto being their ticket to owning a Lamborghini.... I simply don't want one. In fact, I'm extremely happy driving around in my 2013 Toyota Camry, even if for the next 10 years. Ultimately, as each month passes, if I'm in a better position than I was the month prior, I'm doing well. What matters most is I am learning along the way.

"The greatest investment a young person can make is in their own education, in their own mind. Because money comes and goes. Relationships come and go. But what you learn once stays with you forever." - Warren Buffet.

I've learned so much in the few months I've been involved in this space, and I will continue to do so. Crypto isn't going anywhere, and I truly believe we are early. While we are early, let's use this time to make sense of the crypto world and hopefully set ourselves up for an amazing future! Whether you're in this space as someone young or old, its never too late to learn. I hope each and every one of you achieve your investment goals no matter how big or small.

All I ask is that when you are cruising down the freeway in your Lambos in 2025, make sure to wave at this lad in his Camry.

submitted by /u/Environmental_Point3
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