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AMA with authors of 'Resistance Money' - 13 June

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Fyi There's an AMA happening in r / cryptocurrency on Thursday with the authors of 'Resistance Money: A Philosophical Case for Bitcoin'

The authors are three philosophy professors who have written an academic book on bitcoin.

I haven't included the AMA link here as I dont want to get some admin ban hammer reaction (?), but no doubt you can find it easily enough with a search for 'Resistance Money AMA' or similar.

Related copypasta follows

We argue that Bitcoin is resistance money, empowering its users to resist authoritarians, inflation, surveillance, censorship, and financial exclusion. We examine bitcoin’s monetary policy, censorship-resistance, privacy, inclusion, and energy use to develop a comprehensive and measured case that bitcoin is a net benefit to the world, despite its imperfections. We also have a chapter considering a dozen of the best objections to bitcoin.

Dozens of our bitcoin and crypto academic papers, podcast appearances, and writing are available for free at .

submitted by /u/Shiratori-3
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