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Bitcoin Newb Here. Thoughts and knowledge on what to do with my Allocation when BTC Skyrockets into the 6 Digit zone. ????

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First and foremost I love you guys. I’ve been in the BTC community now for almost 6 months and all I can say is woah. It’s like I feel like I’m my own financial officer or something haha. It’s exhilarating I love the notion behind it and I wish I found this years and years ago as I’m sure some of you wish too. I had no passions before this and was extremely depressed and suicidal and man has this helped me immensely. Simply waiting for a check to click buy while I crack open a beer is like a rush to me. I’m a super nerd I guess cause the lingo and tech and podcasts are just consumed in my everyday reads and I couldn’t ask for anything better. This being said, when BTC skyrockets what are some thoughts or maybe some tips? Do I sell all of my allocation at a new ATH to buy back in on a dip to acquire cheaper sats for more of my buck. Do I Hodl infinitely? We’re not at the point just yet where we can borrow against it completely from what I understand. So what do I do? Of course I want a profit but I mean come on, what else is better than owning the most stable monetary asset in the history of civilization. Maybe a Bat cave with a bat mobile, but hey I’m still stacking! Thankyou for reading this :) hodl and laugh at the fud !

submitted by /u/TerpOnaut
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