
Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

A staking question ...

So ive been DCAing an alt coin for sometime and staking it on binance (about 10% returns) compounding....will it's higher in the long term if I clumped all prev purchases and stake it together or do I stake it in smaller amounts...or will it's t...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

terrible binance service

my pal made a transaction with me by means of binance pay to send me $400, we entered the mail, confirmed the transaction and oops, the transaction went to an unknown binance pay, once we asked the help service, they didn't reply us, the system saw b...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Switzerland: a pain in the A*S?

Howdy there I reside in Switzerland and my Binance account's location is Switzerland. I can show the prizes in my foreign money "Swiss franks" (CHF) however i can't trade in it, solely in Euro or other currencies. ​ Why is th...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Binance are trying to steal my crypto

To offer some context. I sent two funds via the quicker payments on binance. Both have been for a comparatively small quantity, every cost arrived in 10 minutes. The next day I took out a binance crypto mortgage. I have used crypto loans earlier than...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Trading or holding?

What do you advocate for BTC right now do some common day buying and selling or just maintain it until it back round $30okay again? submitted by /u/Turbulent_Candle_354 [link] [comments]

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Forgot my pattern lock

So for Europe there is a want for a new verification of your ID, as a way to do that you simply either need 'itsme' or you are able to do it by scanning the QR code with the app. The problem is i forgot my sample lock ( not my password) for t...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago


May sound odd, however how would ppl describe the tradition and communication fashion in crypto nowadays. By nowadays I don’t mean specific to FTX rough occasions. I imply perhaps having advanced additional time. submitted by /u/Aware_C...

Cryptocoins Exchanges / Binance - 1 year ago

Can't stake anymore?

Hiya I used to stake a couple of totally different coins, and when staking period ended autosubscribe perform didn't worked and acquired every little thing into my spot pockets. From there I cant stake because of native laws and TOU compliance. W...