
More / Etherum Reddit - 3 years ago


Yo. So theres a prediction that seems to be true so far. About the crash of the crypto market. Then a rapid increase. So ethereum was at 4k a week or so ago. Now its at 2k. Would it be worth it to chuck a few pennies in there once it goes below 2k in...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

I think we’ve all been successfully humbled

I don’t know about you guys, but my gains had made me cocky. I stopped hoping things would go up and started assuming they just would. And hell they did. My 4k had turned into about 12k between my wallets and I was pretty sure that 12k was gonna turn...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

This is how you make money with crypto

I'm going to tell you the strategy that I used to go from 2k to 15k, and that I will start using again from now on since I got down to 8k from trying to do stupid leverage trades and using options: Step 1: find a couple coins with good projects a...