All Cryptocurrencies

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Is your portolio doing better than Katy Perry's?

First of all, I need you guys to know what a colossal jam Teenage Dream is. Now, on January 25, 2018 Katy Perry posted this image on instagram of her nails painted with the logos of various cryptocurrencies. After having searched this subreddit I fou...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

This is the time to build wealth

I know seeing so much red is a bummer. But it’s also such a great time to build wealth. Especially if this is the start of a long bear market. I bought a little crypto in 2017 and forgot about it until 2021. I didn’t really believe in crypto or know...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Bear Markets Will Make You Rich

Sure, I feel a bit queasy whenever I see a big market drop, but I know it’s a buying opportunity. The bull markets make you feel good, but bear markets will make you rich. Don’t make the mistake of selling at the wrong time and missing out on the rec...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Why so red? A summary from the WSJ today.

Much like the sentiment that all crypto follows BTC, I'm a firm believer that crypto in general follows traditional financial markets. Here's a summary of an article in today's Wall Street Journal titled "Delta Variant Fears Shake M...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

ALGO at $0.69. Just bought 420.

I’ve been buying ETH and BTC at these low prices, but when I saw ALGO I couldn’t resist. Sure, I may be catching a falling knife, but how could I not. It’s a sign from the Reddit gods. I’m continuing my DCA plan, and just spent about 1/3 of my “dry...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

I'm not looking

Bitcoin is $29.5k, Ethereum is $1,745. I'm taking a break from the charts as it coincides with a long vacation. I'll be back on August 9th and I'll try to guess the prices of each based on comments in a new post. Auf wiedersehen! s...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

The bipolarism of this sub is hilarious

Crypto dipping once again and “Reddit experts” once again are overexagerrating, panic selling and predicting apocalypse while institutions and longterm holders buy more BTC and other crypto assets. Or they just simply hold. Redditors in a few years:...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Can I post here yet since I spent $5?

I don’t have much karma cause I’m new to Reddit but I enjoy this community and just want to post a question. I’ve bought the ATHs, victim of flash loan attacks. Still holding through this dip but feeling defeated. I started in February not with the i...