by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
i just purchased $10 USD of ETH. Part of my strategy is that if i do purchase, the market will take a tremendous fall. I have provided my purchase amount so the smart among you can determine its market effect. This amount is a test amount so we can...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
EXPERIMENT - Tracking 2019 Top Ten Cryptocurrencies – Month Thirty - UP +341% The full blog post with all the tables is here. Welcome! This is the monthly report for my homemade 2019 Top Ten Crypto Index Fund. This group contains BTC, XRP,...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Since the creation of the bitcoin, a lot of guys tried to tell that they "are" Satoshi or even are being involved in the crypto development. Recently even the Bogdanoff brothers told they were involved in the creation of the bitcoin. All th...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
In your mind, how much money would it take for you to be fully satisfied? Of course this number will be different for everyone, and money doesn’t buy happiness, but I like hypotheticals. $10M is my number. I believe everything over $10M doesn’t giv...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Do you understand what you have invested in? Yes? Do you believe in it? Yes? Then it should not be a problem talking about it. Have you invested less than you can afford to lose? Yes? Then it should not be a problem talking about it. You want adoptio...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Roughly 5 years salary post tax... if I save as much $ as I can.... $300k crypto will earn about $1500 a month in passive income.... That's enough to live a good lifestyle in Vietnam or Thailand or Mexico or some other LCOL place That's the d...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
What in the shit is going on here. I have read 15 post about how moons are at or above .10 i love this community, i left the dogecoin r/doge because of the sillyness, i would hate to see this sub travel down that path. We love moons we get it. Calm d...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I have tried telling family and friends about my cryptos and boy, I have never regretted anything more than that. The constant badgering about how it's all going to go to zero and I am involved in a Ponzi scheme. When I am making gains they say n...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I know how shitposts can get. Idiot shilling them on pure speculation, or minute facts about reddit coins, and main net followed by comment farming spam Moons to the moon ????, that's why I'm holding Really, you can find this for every crypto...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
You should be using Google Authenticator for Two-Factor Authentication on all of your crypto platforms. It is very important that you use Google Authenticator instead of SMS Authentication. The reason for this is that scammers can perform a SIM swap...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
This is just a thought, I'm not saying I am correct at all. But politicians probably aren't (or won't be) keen on adopting crypto because all transactions can be tracked. If we pay taxes in crypto, we can see exactly where it goes. And t...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Hey sub! Methodology I studied the available distribution csv files, and created a merge of 14 finalized csv files and 1 proposed csv file. I also deleted the unclaimed Moons due to "6 months unclaim rule". This part turned out to be...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
For those living in first world countries, crypto does not have a huge benefit over fiat for everyday transactions. Sorry, but it’s true. In third world countries on the other hand, it can be massively beneficial. In Canada where I live, there are l...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
When BTC crashed in May, Binances websites froze and users could not execute trades for hours. Binance told the public that they will compensate users. Their compensation is not the ten thousands of dollars some users lost, but three months of VIP me...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all in...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
It just hit me while I was in the shower, I currently live in the U.S but was born in a third world country. Living in a country like this one allows me to invest every week what my dad makes in a whole month. And I only put in an amount that I’m wil...