by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Never in my life have I stepped foot into an opportunity of this magnitude. I was a regular 9-5er. No 401K, didn't have a bank account till 6 years ago. (I like cash only). Thanks to crypto, I reached income that I never thought was possible wit...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Everything is getting more and more expensive thanks to our corrupted economy. I just can't wait till I leave my 9 to 5 job one day. I hope we all play a part in making crypto more mainstream. Our gov is corrupted to the core and they're maki...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Which means they can feel fear and disgust like the rest of us. Here's how I amuse myself when approached by scammers offering to "teach me about crypto investing" with "the investment company" they use. EDIT: saw a coup...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I have three kids, M**, A** and E**. I bought them each $100 worth of cryptos of their choice and will give them the entire investment when they turn 18. I let them make their choices based on whatever reasons they wanted. All I did was show them the...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Title basically says it all. I'm not a frequent lottery player but I know that when the potential gains are high, I buy a ticket or two. That made me wonder if you would still invest in crypto after that, even allocate a part of your gains for t...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Back in 2013, the price plummeted in April then in the same year during December there was a huge uptrend and input of capital to the crypto space. In 2017, the prices always skyrocketed during December. There is a saying history may not repeat itsel...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Shiba Inu token has launched their own swap similar to uniswap. It now offers staking but not in a traditional sense, instead users deposit Shiba Inu tokens which are then locked, and those users are given newly minted tokens named xShib, which they...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Welcome to the Daily Discussion. Please read the disclaimer, guidelines, and rules before participating. Disclaimer: Though karma rules still apply, moderation is less stringent on this thread than on the rest of the sub. Therefore, consider all in...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I've been seeing a lot of posts talking about the price of MOONs recently, perhaps because we're getting close to a new distribution. But lost in a lot of the comments is the fact that the price of MOONs right now doesn't mean much for a...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
History repeats! As cryptocurrency enters into a short term bearish sentiment, the amount of activity in this subreddit has declined. This leads to less overall karma count for this month. Leading to a bump in the moons per karma ratio from 0.20 to r...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Inspired by this post, I built a script to analyse if you DCA'd blindly in the top crypto coins vs. investing in BTC & ETH vs investing only in BTC since the beginning of 2015, how much would your total worth is. Here are the results. Numbers...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Moons distribution sheet was just posted with a karma ratio of .304 moons/karma. If you're on mobile and can't view the CSV sheet, I'll help you out by searching for your name and calculating the moons earned for you! :) EDIT: Thank you t...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
I did this a while ago and people seemed to get a kick out of it. It's best done on the day of the snapshot. Go to a user's profile and sort by "top" and then "month" to see what earned them karma for that month. 15,000 k...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
[GOVERNANCE POLL] First Mentioned Here I Propose that the moon distribution to happen in accordance to the Lunar Cycle/ Lunar Calendar. Not only will this be really cool, this would do away with redditors constantly asking "When Moon", in o...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Moons are r/CryptoCurrency's version of Community Points. Community Points are a way for users to be rewarded for their contributions to the subreddit, and they can be used on premium features in the community. Moons are distributed every 4 weeks...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Why? Because it's comedic. I don't have the necessary karma to make posts so I just decided to contribute and put my middle fingers up and buy a membership instead. Thanks to u/Ndivided132 for the tip to buy it for $4.99 on...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
So yesterday I decided to transfer some of my ETH portfolio to so I can earn some interest on it. I went ahead and swapped ETH to XLM and began the transfer. It's usually a quick process, copy thee wallet address, write down the memo a...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Hi everyone. Ergo is a project created by two of Cardano's main researchers/developers, including Alex Chepurnoy, a former co-founder of ChainLink, NXT, and Scorex (the platform in which Waves is built on). Charles Hoskinson called Ergo the...
by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago
Distinguished posts are submissions or comments posted by a mod or admin, which they choose to highlight to indicate that they are speaking officially (such as this one for example). On old.reddit this may be a green highlight behind the username or...