All Cryptocurrencies

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Crypto has taken over my life. I feel good?

I didn't have any direction before I found crypto. I was just going through the motions, school, part time work, watching Netflix. Now though, I have a hobby and pursuit I actually care about. It sounds pretty sad that I have nothing else going o...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

A tip to earn more BAT when using Brave browser !!!

If you are using Brave Reward for earning BAT, there is a little tip that will help you boost your BAT earnings. When you open Brave (or when you open a new tab), you can see their central page. On the bottom right, go to CUSTOMIZE. On the first tab...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Ethereum Dominance Is Nearing

Ethereum Holders Continue to Rise, Unique Addresses are On A Steady Uptrend The daily increase has also been going above 200k on some days, two days in a row in early June, even recording more than a 320k increase. For now, the Ethereum community is...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

PSA: If you hold anything on Uphold

You may want to check your holdings. Overnight many users had coins/tokens withdrawn from their account and sent to a “customer refund wallet”. I don’t know who’s at fault or if it’s just a glitch. If you visit the Uphold subreddit you’ll see. The...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

The scariest part of crypto is actually transferring it

I believe everyone of us has transferred their crypto at one point. Be it from an exchange to a wallet or from one exchange to another. and I think we can all agree on it being pretty terrifying... and that a problem. I believe this hinders mainstrea...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

Seeing A Lot More Crypto Advertising In Legit Places

The deals that Crypto .com has with UFC and Formula One are great bullish indicators for me, but not only that, watching the prominence of the advertising at the race last weekend, and also the advertisements and link ups with multiple teams with Tez...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

An Act of Generosity

This post is dedicated to thanking and praising this great man u/anotherjohnishere Here's the story: i had a health issue and in a matter of months my life turned upside down and my family and I ended up in a sticky situation with debts that coul...

by COINS NEWS - 3 years ago

How much profit have you all made in your most successful trade long term or short term? Also, what's your biggest loss you've incurred in a single trade? For all who have invested in crypto, know that you are not alone. We are all in this together

I've read stories on how people lost their money in rugpulls and scams and just awful trades. I've known people who had invested money that they could not afford to lose and still lost it. It would be good to know stories of how much people l...