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Follow up post to a Trezor One question I posed in this sub some weeks ago. A few people wanted to know what I ultimately found out.

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As stated I posted in here some weeks ago after receiving a Trezor One I purchased off Amazon, knowing full well about pre-tampered Trezor units depending on the vendor. I ordered it FROM Trezor THROUGH Amazon but I wasn't willing to take any chances so I wanted to confirm any way I could that it was genuine. Someone posted a very helpful link to their site where they specifically state that the Trezor One will have exactly two hologram stickers on the outside of the box whereas the Trezor T will have a single hologram sticker over the port on the actual device. This was very promising but part of me still wanted confirmation directly from Trezor.

Fast forward nearly a month later I finally got a response back from them:

" Hi (me),
You are absolutely correct. (in response to me confirming the hologram sticker placement)
More info in following link:
Apart from the physical tamper-evident hologram, our devices also use software safeguards against tampering. The device firmware and bootloader are signed by SatoshiLabs, and these signatures are checked whenever you start the device. The Trezor device will warn you if the signatures are invalid.

Most important, we dispatch all of our devices without preinstalled firmware. Therefore your can conveniently check that there isn’t any preinstalled malicious firmware.

Best regards,
SatoshiLabs Group

Trezor | | Coinmap "

I think I can be forgiven for being extra paranoid and not wanting to take a single tiny little chance on potentially losing any crypto. Hopefully this sheds a little light to anyone else in a similar position.

submitted by /u/Flint-Von-Cineac
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