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I've met 4 people in the last 7 years who held since 2010-2011, and every one of of them was seemingly borderline crazy in one way or another.

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It hit me a couple years ago how one who is living paycheck to paycheck, and has no investment experience whatsoever, decides it's a good idea to start hoarding BTC at $1, and ETH at whatever dirt-cheap price, and continuously hold. For years.

All this while cutting down on an already mediocre life.

To all of this, and despite one's life struggle, why refuse not to sell any when they go up 500x? 100 of the few thousand owned is $50K. At least give yourself some RL security? Am I thinking irrational? I am.

So I realized 2 years ago you have to think like a crazy person in order to hold for several years while watching it burn away.

You have to literally not have a care in the world if you lose potential money. I adopted this same concept in a semi-irrational way. Found a balance. I put my state of mind into not depending on the money I put in to change my life. Coincidentally, it would help cashing out. But it would only give me a temporary boost in life. I'd be happier in the moment, but it would wear down. Ultimately, I would still have to hustle to achieve really high paydays for the work I do. So why not let it burn to 0? If that's what it takes for potential life-changing money, let it burn. ????

submitted by /u/JuicySpark
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