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Please don't trade on leverage if you aren't a professional trader. My best friend took his own life after he lost his entire portfolio from the correction earlier this morning.

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Hey everyone, just wanted to leave this here so that perhaps this tragedy won't happen to anyone else. Been going through a really rough day as I just found out a few hours ago from my best friend's girlfriend that he took his own life after the huge market correction this morning. We've both involved in the crypto scene for a while and even joked around last night about the market correction being a coordinated fud campaign to shake out investors.

Unfortunately, my friend mistakenly assumed that the dip was over and that we would seen be having a bounce back very soon because we had never had more than a 40% correction during the last year or so. He opened a leveraged position and unfortunately had his entire account liquidated by Binance when he was unable to login to close his position. From what I understand he had the entirety of his life savings in his account and unfortunately in the span of a few hours was completed wiped out.

I'm still not sure how to process and am still in a state of disbelief because we have been friends since the beginning of high school and knowing that I'll never be able to see or talk to him again is difficult to accept. We spoke and hung out almost every single day and he was like a brother to me. He always had my back whenever I needed it and I always had his.

I just don't want this to have to happen to anyone else and I really wish he had spoken to me about what had happened because I would have definitely given him some of my own portfolio to help him get back up on his feet.

If any of you reading this ever go through a difficult situation and have thoughts of self-harm, please reach out to a close friend or family member. At the end of the day its just money it can be earned back Life is too precious, and there are many people who care and love about you, that will deeply miss you if you are gone.

submitted by /u/Takemetoparadise_
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