Reposting, because charts didn't show up last time.
We are a combined, partly digital living organism. I decided to study Round 15 Dailies in order to get a better understanding of us as whole. Below are my key findings.
Charts and descriptions
[c01] This histogram shows the mean number of each Daily's comments grouped by Daily hour. Clearly, r/CryptoCurrency is the least active during hours 1-11. This pattern becomes much easier to spot for any particular single Daily, once you know the pattern. I'm still not sure, when's the best time to submit top-level Daily comments for max exposure. Daily hour 0 says First!
[c02] This histogram shows, which age users create the most top-level comments per Day. Top-level comments are thread starters in Daily. Clearly, youngest generations are very active.
[c03] This histogram shows how many Moons each user age combined earned in Round 15. There's a clear correlation between [c02] and this histogram.
[c04] This histogram groups active Daily top-level comment authors by user ages. Once again, we can clearly see that newest users outnumber older users in the Dailies. There's a slight exception for age 15, which is great, since we need OGs.
[c05] This scatterplot shows the relation between average number of daily comments/user/day vs. logarithm of how many Moons were earned in Round 15 for such commenting activity. As we can see, some users post very frequently and indeed hit Moons cap, while there are also those users, who interact with Daily less frequently yet still can hit Moon cap. I suppose, they found ways to earn Moons outside of the Daily, maybe in New. If necessary, I can filter certain user ages out of this scatterplot chart, e.g., older users of age 15 never post more than 5 Daily comments per day.
[c06] This bonus histogram shows, when sub users mention Moons in the Daily the most. Clearly, days of Snapshot and Distribution matter.
- I have previously learned that Daily contains enough information to make important conclusions about the whole sub, e.g., for predicting Moons to Karma ratio.
- New generation of sub users leads the discussion in the Daily. Most likely, this same generation tries to lead the New as well. I wonder, how many of those from the new generation read the cc Expanded Rules ;)
- Chart [c01] about Daily's sleep cycles and circadian rhythms is based on GMT+0.
Split-apply-combine methodology.
Python and python libraries:
- numpy and pandas for data processing
- matplotlib for charts
- praw for reddit
Data sources
[d01] - Modified merge of all top level comments of all 28 Dailies during previous Round 15 (with these columns: id, user, comment, score, daily_num, daily_hour)
[d02] - Modifed Round 15 finalized distribution CSV file (with these columns: id, user, earned_moons, user_age)
[d03] - Merge of [d01] and [d02] (with these columns: id, user, comment, score, daily_num, daily_hour, user_age, earned_moons)
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