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/r/Cryptocurrency should autodelete all posts about Elon Musk

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by COINS NEWS 289 Views

It's clear that the decision to stop the shitposting and moonfarming with low quality memes was a success, clearing out alot of the beggars which was drowning out the legit non sexy discussions of crypto.

The mods should do the same for all talk about Elon Musk.

Whether you think he is good or bad for crypto as a whole, the constant spam of Elon Musk posts here (usually negative) is giving him more attention and more weight over the entire crypto space.

  1. Stopping discussion of Elon would stop the glorification and attention towards a billionaire who has proven to have little incentive to actually improve or understand crypto as a whole. It would also stop the constant whining about how he is manipulating the market and let people discuss crypto without the constant atmosphere of fear about what Elon is going to do next.

  2. It would clear out what has become the new shitposting which is just posting Elons tweets, good or bad, which generates an army of people showing up to defend him or insult him, neither of which have anything really to do with crypto.

Elon Musk's relevance in this space is the attention people give him, and reposting his every thought, tweet, opinion, or duration of his last shit is diluting the actual crypto talk in this sub.

TL; DR Mods can you please discuss autodeleting this new wave of Elon Shitposts in the same way that memes were.

submitted by /u/Brrrapitalism
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